Intellectual Property Law

The topic for ELSA Copenhagen’s Summer Law School 2019 was Intellectual Property Law.

The program consisted of lectures and workshops held by professor Maria Jose Scmidt-Kessen, the Danish Ministry of Culture, the pharmaceutical company Novo Nordisk and a number of respected and well-known Danish law firms such as Njord Law Firm, Kromann Reumert, Hoiberg – European Patent Attorneys, Plesner, Horten, Accura, Gorrissen Federspiel,.

In addition to the academic schedule, the cultural and social program included a canal tour around Copenhagen, a visit to the beautiful theme park Tivoli, and naturally the participants went sightseeing and saw the most well-known sights in the city. They also enjoyed the many different restaurants that the city offers and of course the renowned nightlife of Copenhagen.

Both the academic and the cultural and social program were put together to ensure professional and personal development.